One of the most common places to experience pain is the back or spine, and a frequent cause of it is arthritis. Arthritis is a very common condition that affects the musculoskeletal system. It causes joints to experience symptoms such as pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of range of motion. [Read More]
orthopedic doctors Plantation FL
Common Injuries in Racquet Sports
Tennis, racquetball, badminton, and other sports that employ a racquet tend to put repetitive strain on certain joints in your body. Even the newer paddle-based sports, such as pickleball, harness these same motions and can cause the same types of injuries. Fortunately, an orthopedic doctor [Read More]
6 Common Bone Fractures
Whether you walk and fall on your wrist or are in a car accident, you may develop a bone fracture. Certain fractures are more common than others, such as a wrist or spinal fractures. Fortunately, an orthopedic surgeon can provide bone fracture treatments to prevent complications and allow you to [Read More]
The Value of Having a Knee Brace for Osteoarthritis
Patients with osteoarthritis – which is often called simply “arthritis” because it is the most common form of joint inflammation – affecting one or both knees may have difficulty performing everyday tasks due to the pain and disability it causes. However, there are nonsurgical ways to stabilize the [Read More]