The rotator cuff injury is the set of muscles and tendons that provide the shoulder with stability and full range of motion. This vital structure can get ripped or frayed either as a result of a single injury or progressive degeneration. Common symptoms of a rotator cuff injury include cracking [Read More]
orthopedic doctors near me
What Are the Common Orthopedic Surgeries?
Orthopedic injuries can affect your muscles, bones, and different types of connective tissue – rendering it difficult to move and to perform regular tasks. Some cases can be treated with a cast, a brace, medication, ice/heat therapy, and other noninvasive methods. Some types of orthopedic [Read More]
Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise, but it is also one of the most common ways to sustain a painful injury. That’s because your foot is comprised of 112 ligaments, 33 joints, and 26 bones – not to mention a vast network of tendons, nerves, and blood vessels – and one improper move [Read More]
Questions to Ask Your Shoulder Doctor About Surgery
If you’re contemplating getting shoulder surgery, it’s natural to want to learn more about it, such as whether it’s right for you, the approach your doctor will use, what the procedure involves, among other things. After all, it’s a major decision, which you never want to rush into. Here are some [Read More]
Common Questions that a Doctor Would Ask a Patient Who Has Foot and Ankle Pain
If you’re experiencing foot and ankle pain, your orthopedic doctor will want to ask you some questions to obtain a clear picture of your problem, get to the bottom of it, and determine the best course of action for it. Here are some common questions your doctor might consider asking you about [Read More]
Is It Okay to Wear My Custom Orthotics All The Time?
Are you one of the millions who regularly experience pain in the feet, knees, or legs by merely taking a walk or doing non-strenuous activities? To address this, your doctor might recommend getting custom orthotics. Some people overlook using orthotics. They think orthotics can cause more pain if [Read More]
How Often Do I Need to Replace Custom Orthotics?
Painful feet, sore heels, shin splints, and lower back pain – these may be symptoms of poor gait, foot function, or misalignment. Custom orthotics, or shoe inserts, correct many podiatric and orthopedic issues. For best therapeutic value, orthotics should be in good condition. So, when should you [Read More]
Conditions a Spine Doctor Treats
If you have a back problem and your primary care physician deems that you need specialized care, they will most likely refer you to a spine doctor. A spine doctor is essentially an orthopedist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the full range of conditions and injuries that affect the [Read More]
Benefits of PRP Treatments for Arthritis and Tendonitis
Ever heard about PRP therapy? If you have but are not quite sure why many people are raving about it, there’s a good reason for the craze. This revolutionary treatment approach works by leveraging the body’s natural healing mechanisms, and it has been shown to effectively address a vast range of [Read More]
Benefits And Risks Of Herniated Disc Treatment
Treatments for degenerative spinal conditions are popular topics concerning spinal health. A search query like "herniated disc treatment near me" will bring dozens of listings to relevant treatment procedures. Given the wide range of treatments for herniated discs, it can be difficult to choose [Read More]
How Will An Orthopedic Doctor Help Me Recover From A Work-Related Injury?
Work-related injuries are not uncommon. When an injury happens, it can be distressing for both the employee and employer. An orthopedic injury doctor can help to effectively diagnose and treat your injury and prevent future work-related injuries, allowing you to return to work as soon and as safely [Read More]
When Would a Doctor Recommend Knee Surgery?
When medications and other nonsurgical methods aren’t enough to quell your knee pain, your doctor may recommend surgical intervention. Knee surgery can now be performed as a minimally invasive, outpatient operation, so you and your physician can discuss your options regarding what would work for [Read More]